Tenders Archive
- Applications are invited from candidates who are citizens of India for appointment to the under mentioned post under SPMU-JJM on Contractual Basis. Initially for a period of I (One) year.
- Applications are invited from candidates who are citizens of India for appointment to the under mentioned post under MWSSO which is now subsumed under JJM on Contractual Basis. Initially for a period of I (One) Year.
- This is to inform that as per Tender Notice No CE/PHE/TB-94/2022-23/01 dated 10.10.2022 for CERC works to be implemented under Meghalaya Integrated Transport Project (MITP) funded by the World bank 206 (Two Hundred Six) Nos. of works stand cancelled due to non-responsive bidders/zero bidders. These works will be re-tendered in an offline mode by Respective Divisional Offices where the work is located. All interested bidders are hereby requested to contact the concerned Divisional Offices for further details immediately
- The Tender called vide this Office NIT No. MD/PHE /Estt-19912022-23/3 dated Shillong, the 13th October 2022 is hereby extended upto 22nd November, 2022 and will be opened on the same date at 3PM.
- Sealed quotation affixing non- refundable court fees stamp worth Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) only purchased in Meghalaya is hereby invited from class I registered supplier of PHE Department for the under mentioned works and shall be received by the Undersigned up to 3.00 P.M. on 14-11-2022.
- Letter No, CE/PHE/TB:69/2010-11/94, Dated 14.09.2022, and extended vide Letter No.CE/PHE/TB-69/2010-ll/96 Dated 27.09.2022, is hereby further extended upto 17. 10.2022 and will be open on the same
day & time.
- Sealed Tender affixing non-refundable court Fee stamp of value mentioned below against the work eventually to be drawn in PWD F-2 form, is hereby invited from registered Class-I Contractors of the Department and Class-II of Electrical Circle, Shillong for the following work which will be received upto 15:00 Hr. of 28.10.2022
- The Chief Engineer, PHE., Meghalaya on behalf of the Governor of Meghalaya invite bids for the following CERC works to be implemented under Meghalaya Integrated Transport Project (MITP) funded by the World Bank for the Water Supply schemes. Interested bidders may download the bidding document and participate in the bidding process on website https://meghalayatenders.gov.in/ under organisation Meghalaya Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation - World Bank Tenders
- This is to inform that as per Tender Notice No CE/PHE/TB-94/2022-23/01 dated 10.10.2022 for CERC works to be implemented under Meghalaya Integrated Transport Project (MITP) funded by the World bank 206 (Two Hundred Six) Nos. of works stand cancelled due to non-responsive bidders/zero bidders. These works will be re-tendered in an offline mode by Respective Divisional Offices where the work is located. All interested bidders are hereby requested to contact the concerned Divisional Offices for further details immediately
- Sealed Tender affixing non-refundable court Fee stamp of value as indicated below against each item of work eventually to be drawn in PWD F-2 form, is hereby invited from registered Class-I Contractors of the Department having sound financial capability, which will be received upto 15:00 Hrs. of 11.10.2022
(389 kB)
- Sealed Tender affixing non-refundable court Fee stamp of value as indicated below against each item of work eventually to be drawn in PWD F-2 form, is hereby invited from registered Class-I Contractors of the Department having sound financial capability, which will be received upto 15:00 Hrs. of 26.08.2022
(392 kB)
- Sealed Tender affixing non-refundable court Fee stamp of value as indicated below against each item of work eventually to be drawn in PWD F-2 form, is hereby invited from registered Class-I Contractors of the Department having sound financial capability for the following work which will be received upto 15:00 Hrs. of 09.08.2022
(229 kB)
- Open Call for Empanelment of Sector Experts:Rolling advertisement for inviting applications for 'Empanelment and Deployment of Sector Experts for ground truthing and technical assistance in Implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission at ground level'
(229 kB)
- Applications in prescribed forms affixing Court fee stamp worth Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty) only each purchased in Meghalaya are hereby invited for Renewal and Upgradation of registration in respect of Class I and Class II Contractors/Suppliers under the Public Health Engineering Department for the year 2021-2022 and will be received in the office of the Undersigned from 18th April 2022 to the 24th June 2022
(290 kB)
- Tender called vide this Office Letter No. CE/PHE/TB:107/2021-22/6, Dated 24.03.2022, is hereby extended upto 28.04.2022 and shall be opened at same day at 15 :00 Hrs. However, all other Terms & Conditions shall remain unchanged.
(290 kB)
- The Tender called vide this Office NIT No. CEIPHE/MC-28/2017-18/35, Dated 30th March, 2022 is hereby extended upto 29th April, 2022 and will be opened on the same date at 3 PM. However, all other Terms & Conditions shall remain unchanged.
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- Notice inviting bid for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of network-switches at the office of the Chief Engineer, PHE, Meghalaya, Shillong.
- Short Quotation Notice invited from class I registered supplier of PHE Department for the mentioned works and shall be received by the Undersigned up to 3.00 P.M. on 08-04-2022
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Sub-Gravity under Retrofitting for providing FHTCs to all Households under Synrang Ummyrho Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Byndihati. (Group-1 to Group-9)
- Applications are invited from candidates who are citizens of India for appointment to the under mentioned post under Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance in the O/o the Chief Engineer, PHE, Meghalaya, Shillong under the Divisional and Sub Divisional Level Laboratory on contractual basis, initially for a period of 1 (one) year.
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Umlawang (Group-l to 21)
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Sakhain Sylliwah (Group-J to 4), Kyrluh (Group-J to 4), & Sakhain Moolimen
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Mynthlu (Group-l to 23)
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: lammyrsiang (Group-l to 20)
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Kremmyrsiang (Group-l to 3), Moolamylliang (Group-l to 5), Latyrke, Jarian, Mookympad & Tluh
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Jalaphet (Group-1 to 12) & Mulait Brisumer (Group-1 to 2)
- Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to be held in February, 2022 in the Public Health Engineering Department, Government of Meghalaya for the posts under regulation 3(f), of MPSC, 1972.
(201 kb)
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Umlawang (Group-l to 21)
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Sakhain Sylliwah (Group-J to 4), Kyrluh (Group-J to 4), & Sakhain Moolimen
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Mynthlu (Group-l to 23)
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: lammyrsiang (Group-l to 20)
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Kremmyrsiang (Group-l to 3), Moolamylliang (Group-l to 5), Latyrke, Jarian, Mookympad & Tluh
- Notice Inviting Tender of Interest for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main under Augmentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme. Location: Jalaphet (Group-1 to 12) & Mulait Brisumer (Group-1 to 2)
- EOI for Hiring of IEC Consultants/Agency to strategize IEC activities and to develop IEC materials for the implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in Meghalaya
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- last date for submission of EOI proposal invited vide this Office Letter No.MD/JJM/SPMU/Estt-17/Pt/202115 dated 6th December 2021 is hereby extended to 22nd December, 2021 upto 04.00 pm.
- The last date for submission of Expression of Interest (EOI), invited vide this Office Letter No. CEIPHEITB:IS212011-12IPt-V/7S, Dated 29.11.2021 . for empanelment of Manufacturers for Supply of GI Pipes required for its various Water Supply Schemes in the State of Meghalaya is hereby extended
- Detailed Notice Re-inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for Hiring of IEC Consultants/Agency to strategize IEC activities and to develop IEC materials for the implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in Meghalaya
- Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of Manufacturers for Supply of GI Pipes, including guidelines and Terms and Conditions of empanelment
- Notice Inviting "Expression ofInterest (EOI)" for Empanelment of Manufacturer for Supply of GI Pipes
- NIT Providing Painting for water treatment Plant Unit-I & Unit-II at Urkhla of Jowai Water Supply Schemes
- NIT Providing, fitting and painting for doors of Jowai Water Work and Water Treatment Plant Unit No.1 at Urkhla of Jowai Water Supply Scheme
- NIT Providing Painting for Jowai Water Work at Urkhla of Jowai Water Supply Schemes
- NIT Providing for Old Clear Water Pump House of Jowai Water Supply Scheme
- NIT Providing, fitting and Painting for Window of Clear Water Pump House for Renovation of Jowai Water Supply Scheme
- NIT Providing, fitting and painting for doors and windows of Water Treatment Plant Unit No.II at Urkhla of Jowai Water Supply Scheme
- Construction of Zonal Reservoir and Service Tank under Augmentation for providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme
- Laying of Service Pipelines under Augumentation for providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-II of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme
- NIT for Laying of Gravity Feeder Main and Service Pipelines under Augmentation to provide FHTCs to all Households under Huroi-Hingaria Combined Water Supply Schemes
- NIT for Laying of Gravity Main under Augumentation for Providing FHTCs to all Households Under Zone-I of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme
- NIT for Construction of Service Tanks under Augumentation for providing FHTCs to all Households under Zone-I of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme
- NIT for Laying of Sub-Gravity Feeder Mains & Laying of Service Pipelines for providing Functional Household Tap Connections in Rymbai village under Greater Rymbai Water Supply Scheme
- NIT for Registered Class-I Contractors of the Department / Reputed Manufacturer and or their Authorized dealer, having past experiences in execution of similar work and meet all the requirement of tender including sound financial capability for the Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Horizontal/Vertical Centrifugal Pump for Zone-II, Unit # III of Stage-II Pumping Station of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme
(131 kb)
- NIT for registered Class-I Contractors of the Department / Reputed Manufacturer and or their Authorized dealer, having past experiences in execution of similar work and meet all the requirement of tender including sound financial capability for the Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Horizontal/Vertical Centrifugal Pump for Zone-II, Unit # II of Stage-II Pumping Station of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme
(131 kb)
- NIT for registered Class-I Contractors of the Department / Reputed Manufacturer and or their Authorized dealer, having past experiences in execution of similar work and meet all the requirement of tender including sound financial capability for the Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Horizontal/Vertical Centrifugal Pump for Zone-II, Unit # I of Stage-II Pumping Station of Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme
(131 kb)
- Notification of Award (NOA) of L1 Rate towards the Empanelment for Implementation Support Agencies (ISAs) under JJM, Meghalaya
- Notice Inviting Expression of Interest for Hiring of IEC Consultants to support and in developing IEC Materials for the implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in Meghalaya
(1.2mb) - CORRIGENDUM: Last Date and Time for receiving the EOI for "Hiring of a consulting Organisation for ISO/IEC:17025-2017 Accreditation from NABL" is on the 31st May 2021, at 3.00PM Date and Time of opening the Papers = 31st May 2021, at 4.00PM
(460 KB)
- Notice for Expression of Interest: Hiring of a Consulting Organization for ISO/IEC:1702s-2017 Accreditation from NABL
- Tender for Construction of Raid Nongtluh Mathan Combined Water Supply Scheme, Ri Bhoi District
(219 kb)
- Tender for Construction of Lapangap Combined Water Supply Scheme, West Jaintia Hills District
(253 kb)
- Results of walk in interview for the post of Junior Engineer, PHE, (Civil) Gr-I, under regulation 3(f) of MPSC, 1972, held on 16-20th November 2020 dated 18th February 2021
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- Notice Inviting Tender for Greater Baghmara Water Supply Scheme in South Garo Hills District dated 13th January 2021
(306 kb)
- Painting of Sub-Divisional Officer (PHE), Electrical Sub-Division, Rymbai Building at Pamsyndet, Rymbai
- Detailed item rate quotations are invited from eligible NABL certified Agency for Calibration of equipments for 31 (thirty one) numbers of water testing laboratories under PHE Department" across the state of Meghalaya
(1.1 mb)
- Laying the Gravity Main from Mookhep Main Reservoir to Good Shepherd Zonal Reservoir under Greater Rymbai Water Supply Scheme which will be received upto 15:00 Hr. of 10.11.2021
- Construction of Service Tank to provide FHTCs to all Households for 8 (Eight) villages under Greater Rymbai Water Supply Scheme which will be received upto 15:00 Hr. of 9.11.2021
- Laying of Service Pipelines to provide FHTCs to all
Households for 8 (Eight) villages under Greater Rymbai Water Supply Scheme which will be received upto 15:00 Hr. of 9.11.2021
- Laying of Distribution System to provide FHTCs to all Households for 8 (Eight) villages under Greater Rymbai Water Supply Scheme which will be received upto 15:00 Hr. of 9.11.2021
- Laying of distribution network and providing FHTCs to all individual household under Augmentation of Ummulong-Moodymmai Combined Water Supply Scheme which will be received upto 15:00 Hr. of 26.10.2021
- Sealed Tenders in Two Parts Bid Systems affixing non-refundable Court Fee Stamp of Rs.2,000.00 eventually to be drawn in PWD F-2 form, is hereby invited from reputed Manufactures or their Authorized Agents, registered Class-I Contractors of PHE Department Meghalaya having past experiences in execution of similar work including sound financial capability for Replacement of the Pumping Machineries of Jowai Phase-II Water Supply Scheme
(301 kb)
- Applications are invited from candidates who are citizens of India for appointment to the under mentioned post under SPMU-JMM on contractual basis, initially for a period of 1 (one) year
(686 kb)Download Prescribed Applications form
(770 kb)
- Tender for Construction of Raid Nongtluh Mathan Combined Water Supply Scheme, Ri Bhoi District
(219 kb)
- Tender for Construction of Lapangap Combined Water Supply Scheme, West Jaintia Hills District
(253 kb)
- Notice Inviting Tender for Greater Baghmara Water Supply Scheme in South Garo Hills District dated 13th January 2021
(306 kb)
- Tender for Augmentation of Greater Garobadha Water Supply Scheme in West Garo Hills District dated 11th December 2020
(6.5 mb)
- Notification of Empanelment for Third Party Inspection Agency under the JJM, Meghalaya
(572 kb)
- Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to attend a Walk in Interview for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) Grade-I
(67.3 kb)
- Advertisement for Engagement of Consultant-Procurement for Jal Jeevan Mission dated 14th October, 2020
(756 kb)
- Tender for Augmentation of Greater Garobadha Water Supply Scheme in West Garo Hills District dated 11th December 2020
(6.5 mb)
- Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of Greater Laitkor Water Supply Systems dated 2nd September, 2020
(338 kb)
- Turnkey Contract for Construction of Nonglang Water Supply Scheme dated 27th August, 2020
(3.7 mb)
- Sealed Tenders in two parts bid systems are invited for Construction of Nonglang Water Supply Scheme in South West Khasi Hills District dated 27th August, 2020
(316 kb)
- Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) or empanelment of the Implementation Support Agencies (ISAs) under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) dated 21st July 2020
(715 kb)
- Turnkey Contract for Providing additional Water Supply from Ka Riat Tynrah Spring Source to Block I, Block II & Block III of Lawsohtun, East Khasi Hills
(3.9 mb)
- Sealed Tenders in two parts bid systems for providing additional Water Supply from Ka Riat Tynrah Spring Source dtd. 25th June, 2020
(272 kb)
- Tender called vide Office NIT No.CE/PHE/TB:271/2010-11/29 dtd. 27th April 2020 is extended upto 9th June, 2020
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- Tender called vide Office NIT No.CE/PHE/TB:95/2019-20/54 dtd. 16th March 2020 is extended upto 5th June, 2020
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- Tender called vide office letter No.EE/PHE/HD/W-100/2019-20/1546 dtd. 16th March 2020 is extended upto 15.06.2020
(234 kb)
- Short Quotation Notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Electrically Driven Centrifugal Pump sets for Umiew Water Supply Scheme dated 8th May, 2020
(234 kb)
- Extension of Notice Inviting Tender dated 3rd February, 2020
(482 kb)
- Invitation to Bid for Shifting of PHE Utilities due to Improvement / Widening to 2 Lane with paved shoulder /4-laning of NH-40 between Shillong to Dawki Road upto Bangladesh Border including Dawki Bridge dated 27th April, 2020
(219 kb)
- Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed Manufacturers for Supply of Water Meters dated 30th August 2019
(1 mb)
- Extension Notice for submission of Bid Documents invited vide Office Letter No. CE/PHE/TB:36/2012-13/Pt-II/106 dated 24.05.2019
(471 kb)
- Extension Notice for submission of Bid Documents invited vide Office Letter No. CE/PHE/TB:208/206-17/04 dated 24.05.2019
(460 kb)
- Invitation to bid for Construction of Western Jirang Border Areas Water Supply Scheme on Turnkey Basis dated 24th May, 2019
(534 kb)
- Supply, Delivery and Stacking of Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes (Item Rate Contract), ISI Marked, Different Classes & Sizes with Socket & Spigot Ends conforming to IS 8329 : 2000
(922 kb)
- Sealed Bids in two parts Bid System are invited from Manufacturers for Supply, Delivery of diffrent sizes and classes of DI Pipes dated 24th May, 2019
(81 kb)
- Tender invited from the experienced Registered Class I PHED contractors of Meghalaya having current PHED contractor registration for the following works dated 24th May, 2019
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- Tender invited from the experienced Registered Class I PHED contractors of Meghalaya having current PHED contractor registration for Construction of Dual Unit Slow Sand Filter for Mawhati and Mawtngeng Water Supply Scheme dated 24th May, 2019
(119 kb)
- Tender invited from the experienced Registered Class I PHED contractors of Meghalaya having current PHED contractor registration for Construction of Dual Unit Slow Sand Filter for Balat Water Supply Scheme etc dated 24th May, 2019
(130 kb)
- Extension of Invitation to bid for Construction of Greater Sohra (Cherrapunjee) Water Supply Scheme dated 1st April 2019
(185 kb)
- Invitation to Bid : Laying of clear water feeder mains and replacement of existing damaged CI feeder mains with D.I Pipes from Treatment Plant to different Zonal Reservoir Under Tura Phase-I & II W.S.S. (NESIDS FUNDED) dated 6th March, 2019
(360 kb)
- Laying of clear water feeder mains and replacement of existing damaged CI feeder mains with D.I Pipes from Treatment Plant to different Zonal Reservoir Under Tura Phase-I & II W.S.S. (NESIDS FUNDED) Bid Document Volume I
(2.10 mb)
- Laying of clear water feeder mains and replacement of existing damaged CI feeder mains with D.I Pipes from Treatment Plant to different Zonal Reservoir Under Tura Phase-I & II W.S.S. (NESIDS FUNDED) Bid Document Volume II
(768 kb)