Details of Ongoing Schemes as on 31. 3.2006 under Rural & Urban Water Supply Programme
Rural Water Supply Programme: - As on 31.3.2006 there is total 1164 nos. of ongoing schemes under rural water supply programme. Out of these ongoing schemes, 385nos. are under MNP/PMGY, 747 nos. under ARWSP (which includes School water supply apart from Rural water supply schemes) & 32 nos. are under PM’s Programme. The estimated cost of these ongoing schemes varies from few thousand to several crores. The Division wise details are at Excel File Division wise report.xls (sheet1) in the same folder. Out of these ongoing schemes, 560 nos. (48.11%) were sanctioned during last financial year i.e. 2005-06, 249 nos. (21.39%) are physically completed, only the financial liabilities are required to be cleared. Zone wise position of total ongoing schemes & nos. physically completed is as below:-
Amount required as on 1.4.2006 for completing these ongoing schemes is Rs.18976.15 Lakhs. Zone wise details are summarized below:-
Amount Required Programme wise is summarized below:-
6nos. of schemes remained incomplete for a period more than 5 years but less than 10 years. 39 nos. are under implementation for more than 2years but less than 5 years.
The expenditure year wise is as below:-
2003-04 Rs. 94.98 Lakhs.
2004-05 Rs.151.65 Lakhs.
2005-06 Rs. 78.84 Lakhs
Totals Rs.325.47 Lakhs.
The remaining works are targeted to be completed by December 2006.
Details of ongoing schemes under Urban Water Supply Programme are at file Division wise report.xls (sheet 2&3) in the same folder.
17 working Divisions are implementing these schemes. Name of Divisions, Sub Divisions and list of officers is at file Division wise report.xls (sheet 4) in the same folder.
Division wise details of ongoing schemes programme wise is placed at file Division wise report.xls (sheet 4 onwards) in the same folder.
Urban Water Supply Programme: - There are six schemes under implementation under State sector Urban Water Supply Programme. Apart from this, for two centrally sponsored schemes, State share is required to be provided from State Plan. The amount required for completing these ongoing schemes is Rs. 18.39 crore.
Under NLCPR, there are three ongoing projects namely Tura Phase-III WSS , Jowai WSS & Mairang WSS. The funding for the projects is made by DONER (Dept. for Development of North Eastern Region, Govt. of India). DONER has released Rs. 1582.28 Lakhs for Tura Phase-III WSS , Rs. 430.00 Lakhs for Jowai WSS & Rs. 231.53 Lakhs up to March 2006. As against this, the expenditure for Tura & Jowai up to March 2006 is Rs. 15.82 Crore & Rs.1.83 Crore respectively. Progress for Tura Phase-III WSS is about 40%.For Jowai WSS, work started recently. For Mairang WSS, the work will be started during 2006-07.
Under Centrally Sponsored AUWSP, there are one ongoing namely Baghmara WSS, for which works are in progress.
Under Central pool, the scheme for improvement of Municipal sources is in progress & expected to be completed by December 2006. Fund released so far is Rs.345.77 Lakhs to the PHE Dept. The physical Progress of different sources is as below:-
Sl. No. | Name of Sources | Overall Progress in Percentage(up to December 2005) | Major components completed so far |
1 | Umjasai Source I &II | 90% | 2 nos. of RCC Weir, 2 nos. of Treatment Plant(consisting of Horizontal roughing filter, slow sand filter & CWR),Chemical House, Zonal Tank, Improvement of existing pipe line etc. |
2 | Wahdiegling Source | 85% | Construction of STC (6 nos.), Construction of CWR (2 nos. completed, 1 in progress), Chemical House (in progress), Integration of new pipe line work. |
3 | Patakhana Source | 95% | Construction of Superstructure of existing STC, New STC, New pipe line work. |
4 | Madan Laban Source | 85% | Construction of Superstructure of existing STC, New STC, New pipe line work/new fencing, chemical house. Construction of New Zonal tank is in progress. |
5 | Wahrisa Source | 85% | New STC/Collecting Chamber(4 nos.), Chemical house, Pipe Line etc. |
6 | Crinoline Source | 90% | Security Fencing & Treatment Plant, New Pipe line etc. |
7 | Wahjalynoh | 75% | RCC Weir, Protection slab, New Fencing, footpath, collecting Chamber, CWR. New reservoir & pipe line yet to be taken up. |
Conclusion: - It is the endeavor of the Dept. to complete all the schemes within the scheduled time. However due to paucity of fund and other reasons like theft, dispute on land/source, inter village rivalry, non completion of work in time, the implementation of the schemes are some times delayed. The system of reviewing & monitoring the implementation of schemes has been strengthened. It will be the earnest effort of the PHED to provide adequate safe water supply from the scheme to the intended population within scheduled time of completion.